The ‘T’ Word Part 17 – I thought my tumour had returned but it was actually a chocolate problem!

Choccy, the devils work!

On the lead up to our recent house move I started to have migraine headaches which I attributed to the stress of the house move.

After arriving in Bury St Edmunds my headaches stopped, yay, it was the stress. About a week later though they were back with a vengeance and I was in permanent discomfort day and night with what felt like the beginning of a migraine attack.

At this point I started to consider the possibility that I had another aggressive tumour developing rapidly. Either that or my Glioma had mutated and made a spectacular and deadly comeback.

I decided to ask the Brain Tumour community on Facebook and a lady told me that she had the same issue and she thought it was from eating too much dairy milk chocolate (something I am guilty of).

So I cut out the chocolate and the headaches disappeared. I was elated. Obviously I was happy that it is not tumour related but it also forces me to be less greedy when it comes to eating chocolate which should also help my waistline.

So if you are getting migraine like headaches and are a chocoholic, don’t panic and step away from that bar of choccy. You may be pleasantly surprised!

Stu x

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